The PicoLaser uses ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length) to hit the melanin with a great pressure, the melanin shatters into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small, they are more readily absorbed and eliminated by the body. This can mean better clearance of the melanin and less treatments overall.

PicoLaser is a quick and easy non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment for the body including chest or decollete, وجه, hands, أرجل, and more.


Functions of PicoLaser Tattoo Removal Machine

1.All colors of tattoo inks removal, including the stubborn green, red, and yellow ink.

2.The picosecond pulses are fast they cause a change in pressure that breaks ink part into tiny dust-like particles.These tiny particles are then absorbed by lymphatic system, a critical part of your body’s immune system, and eliminated naturally.

The Detail of The Picolaser Tattoo Handle


Effectively remove the dark tattoo eyeliner, lip line and traumatic pigmentation


Sunburn, النمش, الكلف, بقع العمر, liver spots, dermatogens and other intractable stains and red moles, إلخ., to improve the skin, eliminate the pigment


Eliminate color pigments, eliminate red, tan tattoo, وشم, كحل, خط الشفاه, birthmarks and various types of superficial epidermis

Working Theory of PicoLaser Tattoo Removal Machine

Picolaser uses very short pulse output mode, instead of thermal effect, by the principle of light mechanical shock wave, pigment is “shattered” into finely granular via focused energy, are more likely to be absorbed by the body metabolism. Picolaser will be to minimize the side effects of thermal effect, can achieve the goal of almost solve all colour of tattoo inks, is better than traditional way to removing tattoo.


Comparison before and after treatment:

الآلة تستخدم التأثير المتفجر لـ ND: ياج ليزر, the laser permeates the epidermis into the dermis and takes effect on pigment mass and is absorbed by pigment. Since the laser pulses is extremely short innanosecond and comes with super high energy, سوف تنتفخ كتلة الصباغ بسرعة وتنقسم إلى قطع صغيرة, والتي سيتم التخلص منها من خلال عملية التمثيل الغذائي. في هذه الحالة, تصبح الصبغات أفتح تدريجيًا وتختفي أخيرًا.

Picolaser machine– The first and leading choice for comfortable and convenient tattoo removal and skin revitalization treatments for wrinkles, acne scars and pigment like freckles, sunspots and discoloration. Picosecond laser machine,أول جيل جديد من أجهزة الليزر التجميلية التي لا تعتمد فقط على الحرارة لحرق أو إذابة حبر الوشم أو الميلانين غير المرغوب فيه, الصباغ الذي يسبب البقع الداكنة في بشرتك.

Picolaser Parameter

532nm+755nm+1064nm Picosecond Machine K680
Product Name K680
Type of Laser Picosecond Laser
Function إزالة الوشم & إزالة الصباغ& التقشير الكربوني
Operation Interface 10.4” TFT True Color LCD Screen
الطول الموجي 1064nm 532nm 755nm
Pulse Energy 10-2000mj
انتاج الطاقة 2000دبليو
تردد النبض 1-10 هرتز(قابل للتعديل)
تهدف شعاع 7 articular-am of light guide transmitting
Cooling System Closed-off water circulation + air
وزن 90كلغ

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