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Diode laser hair removalRose


Product name Permanent Painless Hair Removal
نموذج OL-HR-ROSE
الطول الموجي 755+808nm or 808+1064nm
كثافة الطاقة 0~120J/cm2
عرض النبض 0~600ms
تكرار 1~10 هرتز
Cooling temperature -5℃–5℃ by cooled Sapphire
حجم البقعة 15*25مم
Screen language English or other 8 kinds of language optional
شاشة اللمس 10.4” color touch screen Dwin
نظام التبريد Freon Compressor+Water tank+ Air fans+ TEC+Water pump
إدخال VAC 220بطالة / 50-60هرتز أو 110 فولت تيار متردد / 50-60هرتز
Aluminum Case Dimension 60*57*125سم


The 808nm of the diode laser wavelength is the Standard laser hair removal wavelength, it is able to target and transmit energy to the pigment of


hair follicle which will absorb energy from 808nm diode laser, it will cause disabled of the hair follicle, at the beginning of laser hair removal


علاج, regrow hair will be softer and thinner, then after two treatment sessionsregrow hair or the remaining hair will naturally fall off.


After four to five treatment sessions can realize permanent unwanted hair free and the smoothest skin up to five years.

Trio/ three-wavelength diode laser hair removal machine had become more and more popular because it does have better treatment


results than single 808nm wavelength diode laser hair removal


As we can see 755nm has especially great treatment results for light-colored and thin hair, 808/810nm is the most efficient hair removal

laser wavelength for dark hair and 1064nm has great treatment results for dark hair, all of this treatment laser wavelength combined made

laser hair removal has the greatest treatment efficiency and effectiveness for all skin tone and hair type.


Normally all laser module has itsown heat dissipation solution, there are mainly three different types of laser module cooling solution: No channel, macro channel, and microchannel laser stack.

To be short No channel laser diode stack’s heat dissipation solution is only a heat sink that doesn’t have a water channel to cooling the laser bar down, it is the worst

cooling solution of diode laser stack.


And about the Macro channel diode laser stack cooling solution, it has a heat sink and water channel for cooling the laser module down, but it only has one channel


for the whole laser module, itsheat dissipation for the laser module is limited.

The Microchannel diode laser stack has a single plate micro water cooling channel for every laser bar, it is the best cooling solution for laser module so far.


All of our’s own manufactured product adopted Microchannel heat dissipation solution because it can extend laser module’s service life up to 40000000 ل

80000000 لقطات, 5 times to 10 times more than macro channel laser stack, and the better cooling solution made itsenergy density and working performance to

a better level which leads to great treatment experience and results of laser hair removal for customers.

Treatment handle




Treatment handle


1. 15*25mm/ 10*40mm super huge spot size for maximum treatment efficiency

2. TEC semi-conductor and sapphire cooling solution on contact surface for great treatment experience

3. Facial tip 6*6mm for tiny hair removal









Our machine’s inner structure design

1. ماء, wind, compressor cooling solution for the machine

2. ماء, electricity separated design

3. Professional water filter & ion filter

Uniques of this machine


1. Friendly interface, multi-languages choice


2. Trio wavelength 755/808/1064nm diode laser hair removal, Customized High laser power 800W to 1200 W For great treatment results

3. OED & ODM


1. إزالة الشعر بسرعة / Fast Skin rejuvenation;


2. Widely used for any color hair;


3. Widely used for any skin type;

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