PicoWey uses revolutionary technology to treat a wide range of skin concerns. Its advanced features allow for a non-invasive procedure where you won’t need anesthesia or numbing creams. It is very comfortable and has no downtime at all. With the great results of the treatment, you can get flawless, younger-looking skin fast and easy.

⭐️ Reduced acne scarring
⭐️ High rates of improvement in wrinkle severity
⭐️ Helps clear benign pigment spots
⭐️ Removal of multi-coloured tattoos

OL-PicoWey一The Clear Solution with Breakthrough Technology

OL-PicoWey is a remarkably innovative dual wavelength picosecond laser with both non-fractional & fractional capabilities from Oriental-laser, الاسم الأكثر ثقة في مجال الليزر التجميلي.
OL-PicoWey’s unique mode of action is based on delivering ultra-short picosecond pulses of
energy to the tissue. These bursts of energy create a photoacoustic impact which breaks up the pigmentation into smaller, more easily eliminated particles.

Have it both ways
532نانومتر & 1064nm wavelength
With the non-fractional modality, treat a wide range of tattoos
2 wavelengths to treat all tattoo colors & types, including recalcitrant tattoos
high peak power
يسلم الطاقة على نطاق واسع من الأحجام الموضعية
Short picosecond pulses
يسمح بتوصيل الطاقة مع الحد الأدنى من مخاطر الآثار الجانبية

قبل قبل & After Photos

Look at the difference a few treatments can make


Remove Boldly. Treat Lightly.

Build patient volume and differentiate your practice.

With four FDA-cleared indications, the PicoWey system helps you attract a wide range of patients. And with consumers seeking aesthetic treatments with minimal downtime, PicoWey lasers can help set your practice apart.

Minimize risk in skin of color patients.

Picosecond pulses minimize risk of side effects such as hypopigmentation and scarring that can often occur with slower, nanosecond pulse lasers.



PicoWey Laser different from other skin rejuvenation devices?

The PicoWey Laser is not as aggressive as the DOT laser, and the DOT laser requires a week of downtime. By scheduling a series of treatments, patients can achieve similar results with PicoWey Resolve.

Any side effects from PicoWey Resolve treatment?

Some patients experience short-term effects such as redness, itching, mild burning, swelling, and temporary bruising.You may see darker spots peeling or falling off at the treatment site, but this is a normal part of the process.




OL-Picowey Pro Specification:

نوع الليزر اختصار الثاني:yag
الطول الموجي 1064نانومتر 532نانومتر
Maximum energy 2000mj 1000mj
حجم البقعة 2-10مم
معدل التكرار Single 1-10Hz
Delivery system Articulated arm with 2 الطول الموجي
Warm up time 2 دقائق
User Interface Touchscreen with GUI
مقاس 107cm H x 46cm W x69cm D
وزن 125كلغ
قوة 200-240V 50/60Hz 30A 4600VA single




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