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SPI X3 ص

SPI X3P 1600W 808nm diode laser hair removal portable machine

1. الصمام الثنائي: Coherent laser bar imported from the United States. 12bars 1200W.
2. الطول الموجي: 808نانومتر. Three wavelengths can be upgraded.
3. حجم البقعة: 4.0 cm2 only. طرف الوجه اختياري.
4.مقبض SuperICE مزود بشاشة لإظهار معلمات العلاج.
5. واجهه المستخدم: Intelligent interface. الموارد البشرية, FHR & SR mode. HR and FHR mode with subtotal energy account.
6. تبريد الجهاز: R134-a سؤال ضاغط
7. Screen: 10.4 inches.
8. Shell: can be customized

  • طلب

Portable diode laser permanent hair removal, better than IPL and E-light; Remove hair on different parts of the body effectively, such as armpit hair, beard, lip hair, hairline, خط البكيني, body hair, and other unwanted hair. Also Relieve symptoms of speckle, telangiectasias, deep color nevus, spider lines, red birthmark, وما إلى ذلك وهلم جرا.

Whether you have light, dark, or tanned skin, coarse or fine hair, أ portable diode laser hair machine achieves maximum results for all areas of the body with treatments that are safe, quick, and best of all.

  • تفاصيل

  • Product screen display

  • About this portable diode laser hair removal machine, there are three treatment functions: FHR, الموارد البشرية, and SR.

01. FHR: It is a fast hair removal mode. This mode is suitable for public treatment, such as permanent back hair removal, إزالة شعر الساق, and easy-to-start treatment, most popular with beauticians in beauty salons, spa centers, إلخ.

02. الموارد البشرية: It is a standard hair removal mode, according to the different individuals to have a targeted treatment, designed doctor and professionally trained operator use in the medical clinic, surgical hospital, إلخ.

03. SR: It is skin rejuvenation mode. It is an additional function of skin rejuvenation with low-energy shooting to make a face smooth, tender, and younger.

  • تحديد

    المهام مزيل شعر, إزالة الشعر بسرعة, تجديد الجلد
    الطول الموجي 808نانومتر
    وحدة ليزر ديود 1600دبليو, macro channel
    كثافة الطاقة 0-120ي/سم2
    عرض النبض 0-600آنسة
    معدل التكرار 1-10هرتز
    درجة حرارة تبريد الجلد -5درجة مئوية ~ 5 درجة مئوية بواسطة الياقوت المبرد
    حجم البقعة 15مم * 25 مم / 10 مم * 40 مم
    لغة الواجهة جميع الأنواع, but no more than 2 languages per machine
    شاشة عرض من الكريستال السائل 15"
    طريقة تبريد النظام تبريد الهواء + الماء + TEC + ضاغط الفريون
    إدخال VAC 220فولت تيار متردد/50-60 هرتز أو 110 فولت تيار متردد/50-60 هرتز
    ضمان 1 سنة
    • What are the cautions after hair removal treatment?

    1. After finished treatment, the treatment area will feel slightly scorching hot and the skin around the hair follicles appears erythema, which is a normal phenomenon, do ice compress to partial skin for 10-15 minutes if needed;

    2. the residual hair on the treatment area can pull out in 24 hours or automatically fall off in several days;

    3. On The current day of treatment, use low-temperature water to wash and use liquid skincare products;

    4. After hair reduction treatment, pay attention to protecting moisture and sunscreen.

  • شركة

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