What is the Gentlemax Pro laser?

The Gentlemax Pro is an FDA-approved innovative piece of technology that sets the gold standard for laser hair removal. This machine combines two lasers, Candela Alexandrite laser for light skin and Candela Nd: YAG for dark skin.

At Novomed, we have opted for this US-manufactured brand over others based on the results we have witnessed and our clients’ experience and feedback.

How does the Gentlemax pro laser work?

When using this machine for hair removal, it works by targeting the hair follicles with the light from Candela laser, which stops them from growing permanently.

This device causes no pain during the treatment thanks to its cryogenic super cooling spray, which reduces the risk of getting hyperpigmentation that might be experienced by other machines.

Thanks to its dual laser technology, the Gentlemax Pro laser can get to the fine hairs that would usually be missed by traditional hair removal equipment. This means you can remove hair on your face, رقبة, underarms, and bikini line effectively.

Typically, permanent hair removal requires from four to six treatments, but some patients require more.

Advantages of the Diode laser

  • أسرع

معززة 2 يمكّنك معدل التكرار هرتز من علاج المزيد من المرضى بشكل أسرع.

  • شاشة لمس بديهية محسنة

تم إعادة تصميمه لمساعدتك على تحديد الطول الموجي ومعلمات العلاج المثالية بسهولة أكبر.

  • نظام تسليم الطول الموجي المزدوج

Single Lightweight ergonomic handpiece delivering both 755 نانومتر و 1064 أطوال موجية نانومتر لتوفير الراحة القصوى للعلاج.

  • مدة النبض المتغيرة

توفر فترات النبض المتغيرة من ميكروثانية إلى ميلي ثانية نتائج محسنة وأمانًا عند علاج الآفات المصطبغة والأوعية الدموية على أنواع البشرة المختلفة..


System parameter

The before and after

After a laser hair removal session, some redness and slight swelling may be observed in the treated area, but these symptoms quickly disappear after only a few hours. The burning sensation can last for few hours as well, but it disappears without leaving any scars on the skin.


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