For the 5 の 1 unoisetion cavitation vacuum rf machine, unoisetion’s new cavitation technology-reduces the annoying ear noise caused by cavitation by 3 回, bringing you a more comfortable weight loss experience. SMART RF can accurately heat the collagen in the deep dermis, and then reshape the collagen, lift and tighten the facial skin, and may make acne scars more significantly improved.

Slimming machine Feature

  • The discomfort during the operation is minimal, and the adverse reactions are limited to mild and temporary erythema.
  • Bipolar SMART RF with a vacuum device seems to be a safe and effective way to reduce mild to moderate facial acne scars.
  • The technology of vacuum folding skin allows SMART RF energy to penetrate the specific folded skin, even for the upper eyelid area operation, it also greatly improves the effect and safety.
  • SMART RF energy increases the diffusion of oxygen in the cells by heating the skin, thereby making the skin look refresh.
  • Vacuum enables SMART RF penetration depth to 5-15 んん. Increase lymphatic drainage, promote metabolism, reduce or shrink the size of the actual fat compartment, and greatly improve the effect of body contouring.

Working theory of the slimming device

赤外線RFバキュームローラー技術は赤外線を組み合わせています,双極性高周波エネルギーと真空, 脂肪細胞を深く加熱します, 周囲の結合組織とその下の真皮コラーゲン線維.

このタイプの効率的な加熱と真空は、新しく優れたコラーゲンとエラスチンの成長を刺激し、その結果、皮膚の弛みが局所的に軽減されます。, 体のボリューム, 皮膚の構造と質感の全体的な改善.


  • 1.赤外線レーザーは皮膚を加熱することで皮膚のインピーダンスを低下させ、RFエネルギーは結合組織に深く浸透します。 . The synergistic combination of infrared laser and conducted RF
    energies increases the oxygen intracellular diffusion by heating the skin.
  • 2.Vacuum plus specially designed rollers manipulate leads RF penetration even 5-15.At the same time, vacuum and roller mechanical tissue manipulation nips stretches
    fibrillar connective tissueeffectively breaks down subcutaneous fat as well as extruded
    capillary vessel , Increase lymphatic drainagepromotes metabolism and reduces or
    shrinks the size of the actual fat chamber and greatly improved body contouring effect.
  • 3.真空ひだ皮膚によりRFエネルギーが特定のひだ皮膚に浸透する技術により、効果と安全性が大幅に向上します, 上まぶたの領域の治療にも.


  1. 10.4 インチカラータッチスクリーン,画面上に無料のロゴ表示
  2. 5 の 1 システム: 真空+ ローラー RF LED+ IR+40K 超音波
  3. 全身トリートメント用の4つのハンドル
  4. アメリカから輸入された真空ポンプ, ノイズがなく、強力なパワーと長寿命
  5. メンテナンスに便利なABSハウジング
  6. 6.10肌のリフトアップのためのMhz RF, しわ取り
  7. ローラーが付属しています 4 方向.

Detail machine

RF (無線周波数) feature will assist your lymph system, so it is easier for your body to get rid of destroyed fat cells.

Vacuum RF stimulates the production of new collagen to improve skin elasticity and firmness.

EMS (electro-magnetic stimulation) stimulates your muscles in a particular area that you can use to increase your exercising time.

Laser-lipo will target fat cells with laser precision

The infrared feature is a great addition to any beauty device (in ultrasonic cavitation machines it is usually paired with RF),the light is well-known for its healing powers.


红外功率 赤外線パワー 5-20W
治疗手柄尺寸 治療ハンドルのサイズ 体:80ミリメートル*40ミリメートル



负压 真空 0kpa-100kpa
红外波长 赤外線の波長 650nm
负压模式 真空モード 継続的
射频频率 RF周波数 2MHz
手柄寿命 ハンドルの寿命 500時間
真空压力 真空圧力 30-95kpa
辊速 ローラー速度 0-36r/m
电压 電圧 220Ⅴ, 50ヘルツ; 110Ⅴ, 60ヘルツ

