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Beauty Equipment Tattoo Removal Laser Peeling Yag Laser Machine Scar Pigmentation Removal

The YAG laser therapeutic instrument uses a pulsed Xenon lamp as the pump source. The 1064nm laser is produced by the strong light pumped Nd: YAG crystal, and the frequency doubling laser of 532nm can be obtained after the nonlinear crystal KTP frequency doubling. 加えて, we use electro-optic Q-switching technology to generate narrow pulse width giant pulse laser, so we can obtain high peak power pulsed laser output with low energy jitter.

Picolaser Technology

Picolaser Picosecond technology speed times 9 times faster than the average nanolaser, 90 times faster than Alexandria laser.

Use a special optical lens focus 20 times the energy generation (picosecond speed light shock wave)

Stimulate collagen hyperplasia, to improve the skin pores and another uneven puzzle.

Picosecond mechanical light laser use of very short pulse output, the use of optical mechanical shock wave to replace the heat effect, the target crushed into the smallest particles, and the side effects of photothermal effect to a minimum, you can almost solve the purpose of all kinds of pigment spots.



1. Electro-optic Q-switch Nd Yag Laser, releases an actual single pulse of laser energy. Really achieve painless treatment and micro-injury to skin, long-term lasting treatment result.

2. Long pulse nd YAG laser Excellent 7 articular-arm, to ensure the accuracy of long treatment and easy the operator’s hand greatly.

3. 操作が簡単, 1064nmと532nm,755nmは画面上の別のボタンを押すことで自動的に切り替えることができます.

4. 大きな電源, だからマシンは強力です.

5. ヘッド交換時にスポットサイズを調整可能.

Picolas Tattoo Removal Details

我々は提供しています 3 tips to cover all customer needs.

532nm 波長: そばかすを取り除く, 眉毛のタトゥー, 失敗したアイラインのタトゥー, 唇のライン, 顔料, 浅い赤色の毛細血管拡張症, ブラウンやピンクなど. 明色

755nm 波長: そばかすや黄褐色のシミを取り除く, 眉毛のタトゥー, 失敗したアイラインのタトゥー, 入れ墨, 太田母斑と母斑, 色素沈着とシミ, 黒と青の母斑, 緋色の赤, 深いコーヒーなど. 深い色.

1064nm 波長: 毛穴縮小除去, にきびの除去, 肌の引き締めと美白, 肌の若返り, しわ取り.

Treatment Area of Picolas Tattoo Removal

  • All color tattoo, eyeline and lipline removal
  • Epidermis and dermis pigment
  • 太田母斑, blue naevus, black nevus, coffee spot
  • Senile plaques, そばかす, sunburn spots and chloasma
  • Skin whitening and wrinkle removal etc


Dramatic results after recommended treatment plan, permanent results leaving skin flawlessly smooth.







