Epilare, Reinventat

O platformă revoluționară de îndepărtare a părului care combină funcționalitatea supremă cu confortul de neegalat. Soprano Titanium leverages the benefits of three combined wavelengths, cu o experiență îmbunătățită a pacientului și o abordare orientată spre afaceri, creând o nouă soluție unică și orientată spre rezultate în lumea epilarii profesionale.

Treatment Principle

Diode treatment distributes the laser energy beneath the skin’s layers without affecting the outer layers of the skin. This energy selectively destroys melanin found in the hair follicles, epidermis and dermis. Pigmentary conditions such as freckles, sun damage and age spots, especially over large areas respond very well to Diode laser treatment. The Diode laser’s affinity towards follicular melanocytes makes it the gold standard in permanent hair removal. Since hair follicles form part of the pilosebaceous gland in acne formation, Diode laser also plays a major role in managing acne. Diode laser treatments are safe, almost painless and have no downtime.

Detail of the Hair Removal Handle

The Soprano Titanium has three different wavelengths, it can try its best to provide personal service and meet everyone’s needs. The picture shows the application of different wavelengths to different people.

Apart from different wavelengths, the machine exits a few numbers of features:

  1. The unique system of cooling the surface of the skin to – 5 °C
  2. 4PCS of adjustable treatment panels.
  3. Faster and better results than LED machines.
  4. More laser pulse width(550-750 buc) than other hair regrowth machines.
  5. Easy to use, no need for professional personnel.
  6. Lower than 1‰ maintenance and much longer lifetime.

Puteți avea încredere în tehnologia noastră

Răcire termoelectrică (TEC™)

Modulul de răcire TEC de mare putere și rezervorul mare de apă asigură funcționarea continuă a Laseway ICE pentru 15+ ore.

Super epilare (SHR™)

The breakthrough of SHR™ method is that, în loc să expună foliculul de păr la un singur puls de mare energie, o rată mare de repetare (10 Hz) of pulses are delivered deep into the dermis, obținând o putere medie mare și o acumulare de căldură eficientă din punct de vedere terapeutic, deteriorarea foliculilor de păr cu puțină sau deloc durere resimțită de pacient.

Răcire de contact integrată (ICC™)

Această tehnologie de răcire răcește pielea, minimizarea riscului de arsuri, which in turn allows you to use higher fluences (power levels) delivered at a higher repetition rate (speed) while still maintaining comfort. The result is a ground-break laser hair removal solution that achieve superior results for all skin types.

The Before and After Using the Hair Removal


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