Diodni laserski aparat za odstranjevanje dlak je laser, ki proizvaja večji žarek visoko koncentrirane svetlobe. Laserski žarek dobro absorbira pigment, ki se nahaja v lasnih mešičkih. Med postopkom, laser utripa za delček sekunde, omogoča, da lasje absorbirajo energijo in se segrejejo. Ko se segreje, lasno steblo in čebulica sta poškodovana, kar znatno ovira njegovo ponovno rast. In z veliko velikostjo mesta, postopek obravnava številne lasne mešičke hkrati, zaradi česar je zdravljenje veliko hitrejše kot tradicionalni IPL in druge alternative za odstranjevanje dlak.
Advantage of the Laser diode
Diode laser hair removal is a low risk procedure involving minimal discomfort. It offers integrated skin cooling during treatments which greatly reduces any “pain” felt by the customer.
Compared to other treatments, laser has better penetration and effective damage to the hair follicles. With just a few treatments customers see results that will last for years.
Diode laser’s wavelength is much more precise, which makes the epidermis less affected. Skin irritation like redness and swelling rarely happens after laser hair removal treatment.
IVYICE Tripe-wavelength Diode Laser Hair Removal Handle
A combination of three-wavelength lasers, which target different tissue depths and anatomical structures within the hair follicle, IVYICE series diode laser handles make the treatment more effective and safer.
Poleg tega, the IVYICE series’ cooling technology, enables a range of temperature -5~5ºC around the handle’s skin-contact part ensuring that the customers can have a good and pain-free experience during the treatment.
The 755nm wavelength offers more powerful energy absorption by the melanin chromophore, making it ideal for the widest range of hair types and color- especially light-colored and thin hair.
The 808nm wavelength, offers deep penetration of the hair follicle with high average power, a high repetition rate and a large spot size for fast treatment.
The 1064 wavelength is characterized by lower melanin absorption, making it a focused solution for darker skin types.
The three wavelengths bars (755nm, 808nm, 1064nm) assembled inside one handle, a light capable of emitting three wavelengths of light, to achieve different skin depths So achieve more thorough hair removal,
Razlika med mikrokanalom in makrokanalom
Mikrokanalni in makrokanalni so vse vrste notranjih struktur v modulih diodnega laserja, razlika je v tem, da vsak od njih vpliva na različne stopnje učinkovitosti odvajanja toplote v diodnem laserju.
Z mikrokanalnim diodnim laserskim modulom, ročaj ima lahko višjo stopnjo učinkovitosti odvajanja toplote kot makrokanalni diodni laserski modul. To pomeni, da bo imel ročaj daljšo življenjsko dobo in bolj stabilno delovanje med vsakodnevno uporabo.
Simple Design is the goal that we want to let users feel easier to operate and be quickly familiar with the machine.
Sistemski jezik tega stroja je mogoče prilagoditi, samo povejte nam svoj želeni jezik in zadovoljili bomo vaše potrebe.
Prilagoditev stroja
Ponujamo lahko storitve, kot je prilagoditev ohišja stroja v barvi, ki jo izberete, postavitev logotipa vaše znamke v naš stroj, izbiro moči diodnega laserskega modula v aplikatorju, ki ga želite.
Sistem podpira različne jezike
Sistem za odstranjevanje dlak podpira več jezikov, za jezike, sistem trenutno ne podpira, lahko vam prilagodimo in dodamo podporo.
Oblikujte svoj kovček
If you have needs about your own brand’s machine, we have a professional ID designer to make design for you.
Garancijska podpora ves čas
Our R&D team has rich experience in Beauty equipment, vedno pripravljen pomagati pri reševanju težave.
Laser Diode Specifications & Characteristics
Zdravljenje | Hair removal, fast hair removal, pomlajevanje kože |
Valovna dolžina | 808nm/810nm+755nm+1064nm |
Laser Diode Module | 2400W,micro channel,Germany 4.0 micro channel cooling laser bar |
laser bar | Nemška laserska palica s funkcijo potenčne eksponente |
Neprekinjen delovni čas | 7×24 ure Neprekinjeno delo |
Gostota energije | 0~120J/cm2 |
Pulzna širina | 0~600ms |
Repetition Rate | 1~12Hz |
Skin Cooling Temperature | -5℃–5℃ by cooled Sapphire |
Velikost mesta | 15mmx25mm |
Interface Language | All Kinds, But no more than 2 languages per machine |
LCD zaslon | 10.4″ |
System Cooling Method | Hitechi Freon Compressor Cooling+Air cooling+Water cooling+TEC |
Input VAC | 220VAC / 50-60Hz ali 110VAC / 50-60Hz |
Garancija | 1 leto oz 10 milijonov posnetkov |
Packing Box | 125cm*59cm*54cm |
Utež | 80kg |