Lasersko odstranjevanje dlak
This is an amazing treatment for unwanted hair. Shaving every day is a thing of the past. This treatment delivers 99% hair reduction. Our device is good for all skin types and all skin tones also treating a range of thin to coarse hair, leaving skin smooth and silky. Hair removal can be performed on any part of the body with hair.
How Diode Laser works?
Diodni laserski aparat za odstranjevanje dlak je tehnično inovativen, s safirjem za zamrzovanje glave na negativno temperaturo za boljšo zaščito kože in izboljšano udobje zdravljenja. S tremi valovnimi dolžinami, melanin lasnega mešička absorbira laser določene valovne dolžine, in izmenjava toplote uniči lasni mešiček. Lasersko energijo lahko vbrizgate navzdol v lasni mešiček v lasnem mešičku, uničenje razgradnje energije, povzroči, da lasni mešiček preneha rasti za trajno odstranitev dlak in se izloči skozi presnovni proces, ne da bi poškodoval lasni mešiček. Krvne žile in živci. The machine is equipped with two TEC condenser to protect the machine for a long service life.
Hair removal machine display
Enostavnost uporabe
Look at the machine that you are purchasing to see if the operating interface is easy to use. There are several different systems across different machines some of which are better than others. In some cases you have to input treatment parameters from tables and this can be cumbersome and make it possible for you, or your staff, to make mistakes resulting in bad clinical outcomes.
Integrirano hlajenje
Za diodni laserski aparat za odstranjevanje dlak, zmožnost hlajenja kože med terapijo za zmanjšanje poraščenosti je ključnega pomena za zmanjšanje možnosti bolečine, rdečica, opekline in hiper/hipopigmentacija. To je zato, ker globlje kot je ciljno tkivo, več časa je potrebno, da se toplota razprši. Kot rezultat, if insufficient time is allowed for the heat to dissipate between shots you can very easily build up temperature with each successive shot. Tako zelo, da laserski žarek, ki običajno ne bi povzročil škodljivih učinkov, zdaj postane slama, ki zlomi hrbet. Zato sposobnost hitrega hlajenja kože razprši to latentno toploto in zmanjša možnosti neželenih učinkov zaradi pregrevanja..
By far the most effective system for cooling is Integrated Contact Cooling (ICC). While there are several ways of producing ICC it is essential that your laser machine has such a system. Any other method (such as air or chilled gel) is simply not effective.